Virtual board meeting software allows companies to hold effective meetings regardless of whether the participants are in the same room or not. These tools also offer secure storage of information and aid in the recording of decisions taken during board meetings. However, the transition to these tools can be a challenge for directors who have a lack of familiarity with the technology, or other issues. To make the transition successful, you should take into consideration the needs of your stakeholders.

One of the most important aspects you must consider prior to investing in virtual board meeting software is the user experience. You should ensure that the software is simple to use, and that the board members will feel comfortable using it. If your board includes members who do not utilize digital tools in their day-to-day work, it’s best to start with training and assistance for the members.

Another crucial aspect is the ease with that you can share documents and collaborate during a meeting. Zoom is one of the top video-conferencing tools lets you collaborate on documents and engage in live conversations during meetings. These tools can boost engagement on the board and create an impression of being present.

Additionally, online meetings enable you to record the decisions that are taken at the meeting, which boosts transparency and reduces the risks caused by a display of hands or voting on paper. Many of the tools for managing boards offer a feature that allows you to categorize information that was discussed during the meeting, and provide a detailed overview of the decision made.